eBooks and Resources

You can use WebAssign to manage and share resource materials for your courses. Using WebAssign, you can access all of your course materials in one place, and you can make selected course materials available to your students when they sign in to WebAssign.

  • Informational resources provide your students with information they need to know about your class. Examples include syllabi, grading rubrics, and instructions for writing lab reports.
  • Instructional resources help you teach. Examples include slide presentations, videos, and testbank documents with questions you can use in your quizzes or tests.
  • Learning resources help your students enhance or reinforce their understanding of the course content. Examples include supplemental reading materials, video files to aid in learning a topic, and reference materials such as a table of formulas and constants.

You can upload resource materials to use in your courses. Some textbooks also include resource materials that you can use in courses for which you have adopted the textbook.

Important Textbook resources are copyrighted materials. You are usually permitted to save a copy of these materials to your computer for personal use. However, uploading copyrighted textbook materials to use in a class for which you have not adopted the textbook is strictly prohibited.

For all types of resource materials, your students will see only the resources you choose to share with them. The shared resources will be displayed on your students' Home page in WebAssign. They will be able to view the resource files or download them to their computer for offline viewing.