Create Forums

You can create one or many forums for the same class. You can also specify that more than one class or section will use the same forum.

  1. From the menu bar, click Communication.

    If needed, select a class.

  2. Click New Forum.
  3. In Title, type a title for the forum.
  4. In Description, type a description for the forum.

    You might, for example, provide information to your students about the purpose of the forum or rules that you want them to observe in their posts.

  5. Click Classes to select the class sections that will have access to the forum.

    In the Distribution window, select the checkboxes of the classes that you want to use the forum. Then, click Update.

    The class sections with access to the forum are listed beside Distribution.
  6. Click Save.

The forum is created and listed under Forums > Active on your Communications Home page.

Note To see how the forum will be displayed to your students, click View As Student in the top right.