Remove a Personal Study Plan from a Course

You can remove a Personal Study PlanĀ® from your course at any time. Even if you remove a plan, your students' scores and history for the plan are saved in case you ever want to re-enable the plan.

If you remove the plan from your class, you can either retain or remove the grades your students earned on the plan. To retain the scores, you do not need to change anything in your GradeBook.

  1. Open the Class Settings page.

    From My Classes, click Edit Class Settings.

  2. In the Class Settings page, clear Enable Personal Study Plan.
  3. Click Save.
  4. If you included the Personal Study Plan category in your GradeBook, you can either keep it in your GradeBook or remove it.
    To do this Do this
    Keep the Personal Study Plan category in your GradeBook. You do not need to do anything.

    Your students' averages for Personal Study Plan chapter quizzes are counted with the weight that you specified when you set up the Personal Study Plan.

    Remove the Personal Study Plan category from your GradeBook.
    1. Click Grades > GradeBook.
    2. Click Settings.
    3. Click the Basics tab if not already selected.
    4. Beside the PSP textbook category, click No.
    5. Click Save.

    Your students' averages for Personal Study Plan chapter quizzes are not counted toward their grades.