Can't Transfer Student Between Sections

You can't transfer a student between sections, or some of the student's work is not transferred.

Can't transfer between different courses

The WebAssign application does not allow instructors to transfer students between different courses.

You can drop the student from one course and add them to another, or you can ask Customer Support to transfer the student for you. However, the student's work can't be transferred between different courses.

Make sure your course creator knows to create multiple course sections as sections in WebAssign and not as separate courses.

Can't transfer to a section without permission

You must have permission to modify the roster of both the section from which the student is dropped and the section to which the student will be added.

You might need to request permission from another instructor before transferring the student. See Grant Another Instructor Access to Your Course.

Student's work is not transferred for different assignment IDs

The student's work on assignments will transfer only if the same assignment ID is scheduled to both sections of the course.

Work can be transferred only for the same scheduled assignment. Copied assignments are not guaranteed to be the same, even if the copies at a given point in time have the same name or contain the same questions.

Can't transfer between sections created in different calendar months

The WebAssign application does not allow instructors to transfer students between course sections created during different calendar months.

You can drop the student from one section and add them to another, or you can ask Customer Support to transfer the student for you. However, the student's work can't be transferred between sections created during different calendar months.

To prevent this problem, create all of your class sections during the same calendar month, regardless of when the sections start.