
If shown, marks indicate whether the most recent answer you submitted was correct or incorrect.     

Note Marks are never shown for short answer, essay, file-upload, and Show My Work questions, since these are graded by your instructor. However, you can see any comments that your instructor made about your answers. See View Assignment Scoring Details.
Mark Meaning



Not correct

a check mark over an x mark

Partially correct. Often, this means one of two things:

  • The answer is numerically correct, but is specified with an incorrect number of significant digits or decimal places.
  • The answer uses valid units, but is numerically incorrect.
a calculator with a triangle

The answer is incorrect because it is based on incorrect values, but the calculation is valid.

x mark followed by an asterisk

The answer is not correct, but credit was awarded for a previous submission.

feedback bubble

The answer might be correct or incorrect; more feedback is available when you click the mark.

image of gray check

The last submitted answer was correct, but the answer has been changed and has not been resubmitted.

image of gray x

The last submitted answer was not correct, but the answer has been changed and has not been resubmitted.

Note Some icons have different meanings when they are shown below a question or question part score.

When you change your answer for a question part, its mark changes to gray until you submit a new answer. This indicates that the mark relates only to your last submitted answer and not to your changed answer.