My Class Insights

My Class Insights helps you see which textbook topics you understand well and which ones you should study more. You can also use practice questions to quiz yourself on specific topics.

Homework scores often don't indicate how well you understand the material. A better indicator is your performance on the first attempt for each question part. Class Insights uses this criterion to rate your proficiency on the assigned textbook topics.

You've got this! On your first attempt, you earned at least 90% of the points available. On the first attempt, you earned at least 90% of the points available.
Review it to win it. On your first attempt, you earned less than 90% of the points available. On the first attempt, you earned between 60% and 90% of the points available.
More study needed. On your first attempt, you earned less than 60% of the points available. On the first attempt, you earned less than 60% of the points available.
If needed, change the view.
To do this Do this
See a different class section Select the section at the top of the page.
See a specific assignment category Select the assignment category — or All Assignments — at the top of the page.
Sort the table Click a column heading.
Tip: Sort by Topic if you are reviewing as you progress through the course; sort by Status to identify what topics you should review for a cumulative exam.