Practice a Topic

With My Class Insights, you can practice other randomized versions of the questions you were assigned for a topic. This is often a good way to improve your skills and prepare for a test.

  1. Expand a topic.

    Click expand beside the topic.

  2. Click a tab under the topic to list the matching assignment questions.

    The listed questions are from all of your current and past assignments covering the topic.

  3. Click Practice beside a question to test yourself with a different version of the question.

    Practice Another Version is not available for every question.

  4. Attempt the question and click Grade This to see whether you answered correctly.
  5. Optional: Show the answer key or try a different randomization.

    You must attempt the question first.

    To do thisDo this
    Show the answer key Click Show Answer.

    For some assignments, this might not be available.

    Try a different randomization Click Try Again.
Tip: Practice both Needs Practice and Never Attempted questions first, until you are confident that you understand the material. Then, if you have time, practice questions under Correct on 2nd Attempt.