
Chapter 6 – Molecular Structure


A method for constructing Lewis structures of simple molecules and ions was presented in Chapter 5. In this chapter, we show how to use Lewis structures to determine the structural and bonding properties of molecules and ions with covalent bonds.

6.1 Molecular Shapes


A molecule is a three-dimensional structure, and many of its properties, both chemical and physical, are dictated by that structure. The Lewis structure of a molecule is a two-dimensional representation that can be used to obtain information about its three-dimensional structure. Determining the shape of a molecule from its Lewis structure is the topic of this lesson.



6.1-1. Electron Regions

One electron group or region can be either a lone pair, a single bond, a double bond, or a triple bond.
Just as a two-dimensional blueprint provides information about a three-dimensional building, the Lewis structure of a molecule provides information about the three-dimensional structure of a molecule. The transition from a two- to a three-dimensional structure is accomplished with the valence-shell electron-pair repulsion (VSEPR) model. VSEPR is based on the premise that the 'electron groups' or 'electron regions' around an atom adopt positions that minimize the repulsions between them. Each of the following is one electron group or region. Double and triple bonds each represent a single electron group because the electron pairs in the bonds are all restricted to the region of space between the bound atoms. Thus, the electron pairs in a bonding region cannot move apart, but they can move as a single electron group to minimize their interactions with other electron groups. Atoms obeying the octet rule can have only two, three, or four electron groups.

6.1-2. Counting Electron Regions Exercise

Exercise 6.1:

What is the number of electron regions around the sulfur atom in each of the following?
example lewis structure
4_0__ Four single bonds produce 4 electron regions.
example lewis structure
3_0__ There are four bonds around the sulfur, but only 3 electron regions because the double bond produces a single electron region.
example lewis structure
4_0__ Each single bond and lone pair constitutes one electron region, so three bonds and one lone pair produce 4 electron regions.
example lewis structure
3_0__ A double bond is single electron region. Therefore, a single bond, a double bond, and a lone pair form 3 electron regions.

6.1-3. VSEPR Video

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6.1-4. VSEPR Summary

In summary, the three possible orientations of electron groups around an atom that obeys the octet rule are the following.
table of two, three, and four electron regions
Table 6.1

6.1-5. Bond Angles

If all of the electron groups around a central atom are not identical, the predicted bond angles are only approximate.
The angles between electron groups shown in Figure 6.1 apply only to situations where all four electron groups are the same, which is not all that common. Thus, the angles between electron groups around an atom that obeys the octet rule will be exactly 180° for two groups, but it will only be close to 120° or 109° for three or four groups unless all of the groups are the same. Deviation from the predicted angles can be caused by differences in the size of the bound atoms as large atoms tend to move apart to avoid 'bumping' one another, and from differences between the interactions of lone pairs and bonding pairs as lone pairs are more diffuse than lone pairs, so they are larger and other electron regions tend to move away from them. The following gives the relative strengths of the interactions.
lone pair-lone pair > lone pair-bonding pair > bonding pair-bonding pair
The bond angle is the angle formed by the intersection of two bonds. They are generally reduced from the values given in Figure 6.1 by interaction with lone pairs. As a result, the bonding pairs move away from the lone pairs by moving closer to one another. The deviation from the predicted angles increases with the number of lone pairs. Use the following to predict relative bond angles. We will indicate that the bond angle deviates from the predicted value with a '~' in front of the angle. Thus, all bond angles around atoms with lone pairs are preceded by a '~'.

6.1-6. Ordering Bond Angles Exercise

Exercise 6.2:

Consider the Lewis structures of CF4, SO3, SO2, NF3, and OF2, which are given below. Note, only lone pairs around the central atom are shown.
lewis structures
Indicate the molecule with the greater bond angles in each pair.
    SO3 or CF4
  • SO3
  • CF4 The bond angles are the greatest around the atom with the smaller number of electron groups. There are three groups around the S in SO3, while there are four groups around the C in CF4. Consequently, the bond angles are greater in SO3 (120°) than in CF4 (109°).
    SO3 or SO2
  • SO3
  • SO2 There are three electron groups around each sulfur atom, so both molecules have O–S–O bond angles near 120°. However, one of the electron regions in SO2 is a lone pair, which repels the bonding pairs more than another bonding pair. Consequently, the bond angles in SO3, which are 120° are predicted to be greater than those in SO2, which are close to, but less than, 120°.
    NF3 or OF2
  • NF3
  • OF2 There are four electron groups around each central atom, so both molecules have bond angles near 109°. However, one of the electron regions in NF3 is a lone pair, while two electron regions in OF2 are lone pairs. The lone pair affects the bond angles more than bonding pairs. Consequently, the bond angles in NF3 are predicted to be greater than those in OF2, although both are ~109°.

6.1-7. Molecular Shapes

The locations occupied by the lone pairs are not used when describing the shape of a molecule.
The shapes shown in Table 6.1 show the orientations that can be adopted by the electron groups surrounding a central atom that obeys the octet rule. However, we can determine the positions of only the atoms, not the lone pairs, so a molecular shape describes the shape adopted by only the atoms not the electron groups. The lone pairs help establish what that shape is, but the name of the shape applies only to that taken by the atoms. We consider the shapes of some generic molecules in the following sections. Our analysis will follow three steps.

6.1-8. The Common Shapes

Three atoms can be either linear or bent and four atoms can be planar or pyramidal; which geometry is adopted depends upon the presence of lone pairs.
Our discussion concerns molecules with two, three or four atoms (X) attached to one central atom (A), which may have one or more lone pairs (E). Thus, AX2E indicates that central atom A is bound to two X atoms and has one lone pair. In the molecular representations below, the atoms are shown as spheres, bonds as cylinders, and lone pairs as green balloons. In the table, br = bonding regions and lp = lone pair. The possibilities for molecules in which A obeys the octet rule are the following.
carbon dioxide is linear; sulfur dioxide is bent; water is bent
Table 6.2
sulfur trioxide is planar; ammonia is pyramidal; carbon tetrafluoride is tetrahedral
Table 6.3

6.1-9. Molecular Representations

Ball-and-stick representations are better for showing bond angles, but space-filling representations are closer to how we envision molecules.
Making drawings that demonstrate the geometry around atoms with only two and three electron regions is easy because they require only one and two dimensions. However, in cases where the central atom has four or more electron regions, you must be able to represent the three-dimensions in a 2D drawing. This is often done by using lines to represent regions in the plane of the paper, solid wedges for regions that extend out from the plane of the paper, and dashed wedges for regions that extend behind the plane of the paper. The use of lines and wedges is demonstrated in the following example of a central atom with four different bonding regions.
wedge diagram
Figure 6.4: Line-Wedge-Dash Representation of a Tetrahedral Geometry
There are two other representations that give a better three dimensional view of molecules, especially larger ones. They are the ball-and-stick and space-filling models. These two models, which will be used frequently to represent molecules, are demonstrated below for an ammonia molecule. Note that lone pairs are not shown in ball-and-stick or space-filling models.
Lewis structure of ammonia; line-wedge-dash representation of ammonia; ball-and-stick representation of an ammonia molecule; space-filling representation of an ammonia molecule
Table 6.5

6.1-10. Structure Exercise

Exercise 6.3:

Draw the Lewis structure to describe the shape and give the approximate bond angles of the following ions.
    ClO21– shape
  • linear ER=24; VE=20; SP=2. There are two bonding pairs, so there must also be two lone pairs on the central atom to give it an octet. The four electron regions make the ion bent.
  • bent
  • planar ER=24; VE=20; SP=2. There are two bonding pairs, so there must also be two lone pairs on the central atom to give it an octet. The four electron regions make the ion bent.
  • pyramidal ER=24; VE=20; SP=2. There are two bonding pairs, so there must also be two lone pairs on the central atom to give it an octet. The four electron regions make the ion bent.
  • tetrahedral ER=24; VE=20; SP=2. There are two bonding pairs, so there must also be two lone pairs on the central atom to give it an octet. The four electron regions make the ion bent.
    ClO21– approximate bond angle
  • 90° Bent ions with two lone pairs on the central atom have 109° bond angles.
  • 109°
  • 120° Bent ions with two lone pairs on the central atom have 109° bond angles.
  • 180° Bent ions with two lone pairs on the central atom have 109° bond angles.
    N31– shape
  • linear
  • bent ER=24; VE=16; SP=4. There are four bonding pairs, so there can be no lone pairs on the central atom. The ion is linear.
  • planar ER=24; VE=16; SP=4. There are four bonding pairs, so there can be no lone pairs on the central atom. The ion is linear.
  • pyramidal ER=24; VE=16; SP=4. There are four bonding pairs, so there can be no lone pairs on the central atom. The ion is linear.
  • tetrahedral ER=24; VE=16; SP=4. There are four bonding pairs, so there can be no lone pairs on the central atom. The ion is linear.
    N31– approximate bond angle
  • 90° The ion is linear, so the bond angle is 180°.
  • 109° The ion is linear, so the bond angle is 180°.
  • 120° The ion is linear, so the bond angle is 180°.
  • 180°
    PO33– shape
  • linear ER=32; VE=26; SP=3. There are three bonding pairs, so there must be one lone pair on the central atom, and the ion must be pyramidal.
  • bent ER=32; VE=26; SP=3. There are three bonding pairs, so there must be one lone pair on the central atom, and the ion must be pyramidal.
  • planar ER=32; VE=26; SP=3. There are three bonding pairs, so there must be one lone pair on the central atom, and the ion must be pyramidal.
  • pyramidal
  • tetrahedral ER=32; VE=26; SP=3. There are three bonding pairs, so there must be one lone pair on the central atom, and the ion must be pyramidal.
    PO33– approximate bond angle
  • 90° The bond angles in pyramidal ions with a lone pair on the central atom are ~109°.
  • 109°
  • 120° The bond angles in pyramidal ions with a lone pair on the central atom are ~109°.
  • 180° The bond angles in pyramidal ions with a lone pair on the central atom are ~109°.
    NO31– shape
  • linear ER=32; VE=24; SP=4. There are four bonding pairs, so there are no lone pairs on the central atom and the ion must be planar.
  • bent ER=32; VE=24; SP=4. There are four bonding pairs, so there are no lone pairs on the central atom and the ion must be planar.
  • planar
  • pyramidal ER=32; VE=24; SP=4. There are four bonding pairs, so there are no lone pairs on the central atom and the ion must be planar.
  • tetrahedral ER=32; VE=24; SP=4. There are four bonding pairs, so there are no lone pairs on the central atom and the ion must be planar.
    NO31– approximate bond angle
  • 90° The bond angles in trigonal planar ion with identical groups are 120°.
  • 109° The bond angles in trigonal planar ion with identical groups are 120°.
  • 120°
  • 180° The bond angles in trigonal planar ion with identical groups are 120°.
    BrO41– shape
  • linear Four groups around a central atom that obeys the octet rule are arranged in a tetrahedron.
  • bent Four groups around a central atom that obeys the octet rule are arranged in a tetrahedron.
  • planar Four groups around a central atom that obeys the octet rule are arranged in a tetrahedron.
  • pyramidal Four groups around a central atom that obeys the octet rule are arranged in a tetrahedron.
  • tetrahedral
    BrO41– approximate bond angle
  • 90° The bond angles in a tetrahedron with identical groups are 109°.
  • 109°
  • 120° The bond angles in a tetrahedron with identical groups are 109°.
  • 180° The bond angles in a tetrahedron with identical groups are 109°.

6.2 Central Atoms With More Than Four Electron Regions


The octet rule applies rigidly only to C, N, O and F, and even nitrogen violates it occasionally because it has an odd number of electrons in some of its molecules. Atoms with more than eight valence electrons are said to have expanded valence shells or expanded octets. Transition metals and the heavier p block elements frequently use expanded octets. In this section, we discuss the shapes of molecules in which the central atom has five and six electron regions.


6.2-1. Shapes of Five and Six Electron Regions

five regions adopt a trigonal bipyramid
Figure 6.6a: Five Electron Regions
Five groups around a central atom adopt a trigonal bipyramidal structure, which contains two distinctly different types of positions: two positions are axial (blue spheres) and three are equatorial (green spheres). Interactions with other groups are less in the equatorial positions, so lone pairs are always in the equatorial plane.
six regions adopt an octahedron
Figure 6.6b: Six Electron Regions
Six groups assume an octahedral structure. All six positions of an octahedron are identical, so lone pairs can be placed in any position. However, two lone pairs are always situated opposite to one another.

6.2-2. Determining Structures of Expanded Octets with Lone Pairs

The number of lone pairs around a central atom (LP) can be determined from its group number and its oxidation state as follows.
( 6.1 )
LP =
(group number − oxidation state)
Atoms with expanded valence shells can be identified because the predicted number of shared pairs is always too small to accommodate all of the bonds. See the following example.
We determine for SF4: ER = 5(8) = 40 electrons; VE = 6 + 4(7) = 34 electrons; SP = 1/2(40 – 34) = 3 shared pairs. However, a minimum of 4 shared pairs is required for the four S-F bonds, so the three shared pairs cannot be correct and the octet rule cannot be obeyed. The group number of sulfur is 6 and its oxidation state in SF4 is +4, so the number of lone pairs around the sulfur atom is LP = 1/2(6 – 4) = 1 lone pair. Thus, there are five electron groups around the sulfur: four S-F bonds and one lone pair. As shown below, the five groups adopt the trigonal bipyramidal structure with the lone pair in the equatorial plane.

6.2-3. Expanded Octet Structure Exercise

Exercise 6.4:

Determine the number of lone pairs on the central atom in and the structures of XeF2 and BrF41–.
group number 8_0__ Xe is a noble gas.

oxidation state 2___0 F is always –1 and there are two of them.

lone pairs 3_0__ 1/2(8 – 2) = 3

number of electron regions 5_0__ Three lone pairs plus 2 bonding pairs.
    Are the three atoms linear or bent?
  • linear The lone pairs adopt the equatorial positions.
  • bent
group number 7_0__ Br is a halogen.

oxidation state 3_0__ The sum of the oxidation states must equal the charge on the ion.

lone pairs 2_0__ 1/2(7 – 3) = 2

number of electron regions 6_0__ Two lone pairs plus 4 bonding pairs.
    Do the five atoms lie in a plane?
  • Yes
  • No The lone pairs are opposite one another.

6.3 Larger Molecules


Groups connected by single bonds can rotate relative to one another about the bond, so VSEPR cannot be used to predict the exact structure of complicated molecules, but it can be used to look at the geometry around individual atoms. In this section, we examine the structure of three common molecules: acetic acid (the active ingredient in vinegar), benzene, and aspirin.


6.3-1. Acetic acid

We deduce the following bond angles in acetic acid from its Lewis structure.
acetic acid
Figure 6.7: Acetic Acid

6.3-2. Benzene

Benzene has the formula C6H6 and is a six-membered ring (the six carbon atoms bond so as to form a hexagon). The Lewis structures of its two resonance forms that are shown in Figure 6.8a. We conclude the following based on these Lewis structures.
Figure 6.8: Benzene

6.3-3. Aspirin

Figure 6.9: Aspirin

6.3-4. Predicting Bond Angles Exercise

Exercise 6.5:

The structure below is that of capsaicin, the molecule responsible for the heat in chili peppers. Estimate each of the labeled bond angles. Note that lone pairs are not drawn, but C and O both obey the octet rule. Enter only the number, not the degree sign (°).
a 109_0__ There are also two lone pairs on the O, so there are four electron regions. °
b 120_0__ There are three electron regions. °
c 109_0__ There is also one lone pair on the N, so there are four electron regions. °
d 120_0__ There are three electron regions. °
e 120_0__ There are three electron regions. °
f 120_0__ There are three electron regions. °
g 109_0__ There are four electron regions. °

6.4 Valence Bond Theory and Hybridization


In valence bond theory, each bond results from the overlap of two atomic orbitals on adjacent atoms. The bonding electrons in such bonds are localized in the region between the two atoms. A single bond is composed of two bonding electrons, so the total number of electrons in the two overlapping atomic orbitals used to produce a bond cannot exceed two. In most cases, each orbital contains one electron, and the two electrons pair when the orbitals overlap. However, both electrons can reside in one of the atomic orbitals (a lone pair), but, in this case, the other orbital must be empty. A bond in which a lone pair is converted into a covalent bond is called a coordinate covalent bond. Coordinate covalent bonds are produced in Lewis acid-base reactions, which are discussed in Chapter 12. We limit our discussion here to cases where each overlapping orbital has one electron.


6.4-1. Sigma Bonds

The bonding in diatomic molecules can be explained with the overlap of the atomic orbitals that contain unpaired electrons. Bonds formed from the end-on overlap of orbitals place electron density on the internuclear axis (shown as the dotted line in the figures) and are called sigma (σ) bonds. As examples of σ bond formation, we consider the cases of H2, F2, and HF. Note that the electrons are shown as arrows and the overlap region is shown in yellow in the figures.
overlap of orbitals to produce H-H bonds
Figure 6.10a: Bond from Overlap of Atomic Orbitals
The H-H bond discussed in Section 5.1 is produced when the distance between the two H atoms is so small that their 1s orbitals overlap to form the H-H covalent bond.
overlap of orbitals to produce F-F bonds
Figure 6.10b: Bond from Overlap of Atomic Orbitals
The valence electron configuration of a fluorine atom is 2s2 2p5, so an unpaired electron resides in one of the 2p orbitals. An F-F bond is then viewed as resulting from the overlap of two p orbitals as shown in the Figure 6.10b. Note that this bond results from the end-on interaction of two p obitals.
overlap of orbitals to produce H-F bonds
Figure 6.10c: Bond from Overlap of Atomic Orbitals
In the two previous examples, the bonding atoms were the same, so the overlapping orbitals were the same type (both s or both p orbitals). However, the overlapping orbitals do not have to be the same type. The H-F bond is the result of overlap between the 1s orbital of H and the 2p orbital of F. The lone pairs on fluorine would then reside in its s and remaining p orbitals. In all of the examples shown in Figures 6.10a, 6.10b, and 6.10c, the overlap region lies on the line between the two atoms, which is called the internuclear axis. Bonds in which the bonding electron density falls on the internuclear axis are called sigma (σ) bonds. Thus, the H-H, F-F, and H-F bonds are all sigma bonds. Indeed, all single bonds are sigma bonds.

6.4-2. Pi Bonds

Pi Bond

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The sigma bonds in F2 are formed when p orbitals overlap end-on. However, p orbitals can also overlap in a side-on fashion to form pi bonds as shown in Figure 6.11. The electron density in a pi bond lies above and below the internuclear axis, not on it. Thus, σ bonds result from end-on overlap of s or p orbitals and place electron density on the internuclear axis, while pi (π) bonds are produced from side-on overlap of p and/or d orbitals, which places the internuclear axis on a nodal plane.
pi bond
Figure 6.11: Pi Bond

6.4-3. Valence Bond Description of O2 Bonding

O2 is a diatomic molecule that contains both σ and π bonds. The valence electron configuration of an oxygen atom is 2s2 2p4, so there are paired electrons in the 2s and one of the 2p orbitals. The unpaired electrons in an oxygen atom lie in the other two p orbitals. In Figure 6.12, the unpaired electrons are assumed to be in the pz and py orbitals. As the atoms approach along the z-axis, the pz orbitals of the two oxygen atoms overlap in an end-on fashion (orange line) to produce an σ bond, while the py orbitals overlap side-on (both violet lines) to produce a π bond. Thus, the O=O double bond consists of one σ and one π bond. All bonds contain one and only one σ bond. Double bonds contain one σ and one π bond, and triple bonds contain one σ and two π bonds. The bond order of a bond is simply the sum of the number of σ and π bonds that it contains.
pz overlap produces a sigma bond while py overlap produces a pi bond
Figure 6.12: Valence Bond Picture of O2 Bonding

6.4-4. Hybrid Orbitals

The simple overlap of atomic orbitals used for diatomic molecules cannot be used for larger ones. Consider the molecule formed between a carbon atom and hydrogen atoms. Carbon has a valence electron configuration of 2s22p2, so it has two unpaired electrons in its p orbitals. If carbon used only atomic orbitals with one electron, its compound with hydrogen would be CH2, and the H-C-H bond angle would be 90° (the angle between two p orbitals). However, the simplest compound involving carbon and hydrogen is CH4, which has the 109° bond angles predicted from VSEPR. In order to account for molecular geometries in the valence bond model, orbitals on a central atom must be combined to produce new orbitals before they overlap with the orbitals of another atom. By choosing the appropriate combination of the atomic orbitals, we can create orbitals that have the geometries required by VSEPR. Orbitals produced by combining two or more atomic orbitals on the same atom are called hybrid orbitals, and the process by which they are formed is called hybridization. However, before we can understand hybridization, we must examine how orbitals combine.

6.4-5. Orbital Phase

To understand the process of combining orbitals, we must first review the nature of atomic orbitals. Recall from Chapter 2 that atomic orbitals describe algebraic functions that are solutions to an atom's wave equation, and that the phase or algebraic sign of an orbital in a particular region is frequently indicated with shading (Section 2.6). In Figure 6.13, we adopt the convention of using blue to indicate regions where the function is positive and red for regions where it is negative.
s orbitals are positive everywhere; changing the sign changes the phases
Table 6.13

6.4-6. An Example of Mixing Two Functions

Mixing orbitals is the mathematical combination of these functions by addition and/or subtraction. Consider the two combinations of the functions P and Q shown in the Figure 6.14. Regions where the functions are positive are shaded in blue, while negative regions are shown in red. This is consistent with our use of these colors to describe the sign of orbital functions. In Figure 6.14a, the two functions are added to produce function
R = P + Q.
R is amplified on the ends because both P and Q have the same phase (sign) there, but it is reduced dramatically in the center because the phases of P and Q are opposite there. We conclude the following.
Adding regions of the same phase (blue + blue) is constructive and produces a region of increased amplitude, while adding regions of opposite phase (blue + red) is destructive and produces a region of decreased or even annihilated amplitude.
To obtain the difference
S = PQ
in the Figure 6.15b, the phase of Q is reversed (its sign is changed) to produce –Q and then the two waves are added to produce S. The ends of P and –Q have different phases, so they add destructively to nearly annihilate one another, while the regions in the middle have the same phase and add constructively to produce an amplified region in S.
Figure 6.14: Mixing Two Functions

6.4-7. Rules for Mixing

Use the following rules when mixing orbitals.

6.4-8. Hybridizing an s and a p Orbital

Mixing an s and a p Orbital on the Same Atom

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The orbitals constructed from the addition and subtraction of one s and one p orbital are called sp hybrid orbitals. The sp hybrid orbitals are formed from s + p and s – p. In (a) in Figure 6.15, the s and p orbitals are added to produce s + p, one sp hybrid orbital. Both atomic orbitals are positive (blue) to the right, but they have opposite phases to the left. Thus, they add constructively to the right to produce a large lobe, but they add destructively to the left to produce a small negative lobe. The other hybrid is produced by taking the difference between the atomic orbitals in (b). To obtain s – p, we change the phase of the p orbital and then add it to the s orbital. Now, the regions to the left have the same phase and add constructively and those on the right add destructively. The two sp hybrid orbitals are centered on the same atom, so they would look like (c). However, the small negative lobes are not used in bonding and are usually omitted. Thus, the two sp hybrid orbitals are normally represented as in (d). Note that forming the two sp hybrid orbitals required the use of only one p orbital, so an sp hybridized atom would have two p orbitals available to form bonds.
mixing an s and a p orbital on the same atom
Figure 6.15: Mixing an s and a p Orbital on the Same Atom

6.4-9. Hybrid Orbital Descriptions

The number of hybrid orbitals used by an atom equals the number of electron groups around the atom.
Two sp hybrid orbitals are produced by combining one s and one p orbital as shown in the previous video. They are oriented 180° from one another. Only one p orbital is used to construct the hybrid orbitals, so two p orbitals are available to form π bonds. Thus, sp hybridized atoms form two π bonds (one triple bond or two double bonds) and have bond angles of 180°. Note that the sp hybrid orbitals lie along the axis of the p orbital used to construct them, so if the σ bonds are directed along the z-axis, then the s and the pz orbitals would be used to make the hybrid orbitals, and the px and py orbitals would be used to form π bonds.
sp hybrids plus 2 p orbitals
Figure 6.16a: A Hybridization Used by Atoms Obeying the Octet Rule
Three sp2 (spoken "sp two") hybrid orbitals are produced by combining one s and two p orbitals. The three hybrid orbitals lie in the plane defined by the two p orbitals used to construct them and are oriented 120° from one another. Two p orbitals are used in the hybridization, so only one p orbital remains to form a π bond. Thus, sp2 hybridized atoms have one double bond and 120° bond angles. If the hybrids lie in the xy-plane, then the px and py orbitals must be used to construct them, which leaves the pz orbital available for π bonding.
sp2 hybrids plus 1 p orbital
Figure 6.16b: A Hybridization Used by Atoms Obeying the Octet Rule
Four sp3 (spoken "sp three") hybrid orbitals are produced by combining the s and all three p orbitals. There are no p orbitals available to form π bonds, so sp3 hybridized atoms form only single bonds and have bond angles of 109°.
4 sp 3 hybrids
Figure 6.16c: A Hybridization Used by Atoms Obeying the Octet Rule

6.4-10. Using Valence Bond Theory to Explain the Structure of Allene

We conclude our discussion of valence bond theory by using it to explain why the planes of the two CH2 groups of allene are perpendicular.

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We start by determining the hybridization of each carbon atom. The central atom is surrounded by two electron groups and is involved in two bonds, so it is sp hybridized. If the bonding axis is the z-axis, then the pz orbital must be used to construct the hybrid orbitals, which leaves the px and py orbitals available to form the two bonds. Each of the terminal carbon atoms (CA and CB) is surrounded by three electron groups and is involved in one bond, so each is sp2 hybridized. The sp2 hybrid orbitals of CA lie in the xz-plane because that is the plane defined by the C-H bonds, so the s, px and pz orbitals are used to construct them. This leaves the py orbital available to form a bond with the central carbon. If the central carbon uses its py orbital to bond to CA, then it must use its px orbital to bond with CB. If CB uses its px orbital to form a bond, then it must use its s, py, and pz orbitals to form the sp2 hybrid orbitals, which lie in the yz-plane and are perpendicular to the sp2 plane of CA. Thus, the two CH2 groups must be perpendicular if the central atom is to bond to both terminal carbon atoms because each bond requires a different p orbital. Figure 6.17 shows the bonding geometry in allene.
the z-axis contains the carbon-carbon atoms
Figure 6.17: Coordinate System Used in Allene

Bonding and Hybridization Examples

6.4-11. Aspirin

Exercise 6.6:

Indicate the hybridization as sp, sp2, or sp3 at each of the labeled atoms in the Lewis structure of the aspirin molecule shown below. Note that the lone pairs have been omitted, but C and O do obey the octet rule.
  • sp C1 has three electron regions, so it is sp2 hybridized. The three sp2 hybrid orbitals are used in two C–C σ bonds and one C–H σ bond. The p orbital that is not used in the construction of the hybrid orbitals is involved in a π bond. Note C1 is in a benzene ring.
  • sp2
  • sp3 C1 has three electron regions, so it is sp2 hybridized. The three sp2 hybrid orbitals are used in two C–C σ bonds and one C–H σ bond. The p orbital that is not used in the construction of the hybrid orbitals is involved in a π bond. Note C1 is in a benzene ring.
  • sp C2 has three electron regions around it, so it is sp2 hybridized. The three sp2 orbitals are used in a C–C σ bond and two C–O σ bonds. The remaining p orbital is used in the CO π bond. Note that C2 is in the acid group described for acetic acid.
  • sp2
  • sp3 C2 has three electron regions around it, so it is sp2 hybridized. The three sp2 orbitals are used in a C–C σ bond and two C–O σ bonds. The remaining p orbital is used in the CO π bond. Note that C2 is in the acid group described for acetic acid.
  • sp O3 has four electron regions, so it is sp3 hybridized. The four hybrids are used in two σ bonds (O–H and C–O) and two lone pairs that are not shown. Oxygen always obeys the octet rule, so lone pairs must frequently be added to give oxygen an octet.
  • sp2 O3 has four electron regions, so it is sp3 hybridized. The four hybrids are used in two σ bonds (O–H and C–O) and two lone pairs that are not shown. Oxygen always obeys the octet rule, so lone pairs must frequently be added to give oxygen an octet.
  • sp3
  • sp O4 has four electron regions (2 σ bonds + 2 lone pairs), so it is sp3 hybridized. Note that the two lone pairs that are not shown but are required to obtain an octet for oxygen.
  • sp2 O4 has four electron regions (2 σ bonds + 2 lone pairs), so it is sp3 hybridized. Note that the two lone pairs that are not shown but are required to obtain an octet for oxygen.
  • sp3
  • sp C5 contains three electron groups, so it is sp2 hybridized. The three groups are all used in σ bonds (2C–C + 1C–O). The p orbital that is not used in the hybridization is used in the C=O pi bond.
  • sp2
  • sp3 C5 contains three electron groups, so it is sp2 hybridized. The three groups are all used in σ bonds (2C–C + 1C–O). The p orbital that is not used in the hybridization is used in the C=O pi bond.
  • sp C6 contains four σ bonds (3C–H and 1C–C), so it is sp3 hybridized.
  • sp2 C6 contains four σ bonds (3C–H and 1C–C), so it is sp3 hybridized.
  • sp3

6.4-12. C2F4

Exercise 6.7:

Lewis structure and bonding in tetrafluoroethylene (C2F4):
  • ER = 6(8) = 48 electrons required with no sharing
  • VE = 2(4) from C + 4(7) from F = 36 valence electrons
  • SP = 1/2(48 - 36) = 6 shared pairs
The Lewis structure is the following.
lewis structure of C2F4
The double bond must go between the carbon atoms because double bonds are never drawn to fluorine as that places positive formal charge on the fluorine atom. Note that each fluorine atom has three lone pairs, which are not shown.Determine the following for C2F4.
C-C bond order 2_0__ The C-C bond is a double bond, i.e., BO = 2.
    the hybridization of each carbon atom:
  • sp There are three electron regions around each carbon, so each is sp2 hybridized.
  • sp2
  • sp3 There are three electron regions around each carbon, so each is sp2 hybridized.
the number of σ bonds 5_0__ There are five σ bonds (1 C-C + 4 C-F) bonds.
the number of π bonds 1_0__ There is one π bond in the C=C double bond.

6.4-13. C3H6

Exercise 6.8:

Lewis structure and bonding in propene (C3H6):
  • ER = 3(8) + 6(2) = 36 electrons required with no sharing
  • VE = 3(4) from C + 6(1) from H = 18 valence electrons
  • SP = 1/2(36 - 18) = 9 shared pairs
structure of C 3 H 6
The six C-H bonds must all be single bonds, two more bonds are required to connect the three carbon atoms for a total of eight shared pairs. The Lewis structure requires nine shared pairs, so one C-C double bond is required.

Determine the following for C3H6.
left C-C bond order 1_0__ The C-C bond is a single bond, i.e., BO = 1.
right C-C bond order 2_0__ The C-C bond is a double bond, i.e., BO = 2.
    the hybridization of the leftmost carbon atom
  • sp There are four electron regions around the carbon, so it is sp3 hybridized.
  • sp2 There are four electron regions around the carbon, so it is sp3 hybridized.
  • sp3
    the hybridization of the rightmost carbon atom
  • sp There are three electron regions around the carbon, so it is sp2 hybridized.
  • sp2
  • sp3 There are three electron regions around the carbon, so it is sp2 hybridized.
the number of σ bonds 8_0__ There are eight σ bonds (2 C-C + 6 C-H).
the number of π bonds 1_0__ There is one π bond in the C=C double bond.

6.4-14. C2O42–

Exercise 6.9:

Lewis structure and bonding in the oxalate ion (C2O42–):
  • ER = 6(8) = 48 electrons required with no sharing
  • VE = 2(4) from C + 4(6) from O + 2 from charge = 34 valence electrons
  • SP = 1/2(48 - 34) = 7 shared pairs
structure of C 2 O 4
Five shared pairs are required for the sigma bonds, but seven shared pairs are required, so there must be two double bonds. This can only be accomplished while obeying the octet rule with one C=O double bond to each carbon.

Determine the following for C2O42–.
C-C bond order 1_0__ The C-C bond is a single bond, i.e., BO = 1.
C-O bond order 1.5_0__ The C-O bonds are equivalent due to resonance, so the six shared pairs are shared equally among the four C-O regions. Thus, BO = 1.5.
    the hybridization of each carbon atom
  • sp There are three electron regions around each carbon, so each is sp2 hybridized.
  • sp2
  • sp3 There are three electron regions around each carbon, so each is sp2 hybridized.
the number of σ bonds 5_0__ There are five σ bonds (1 C-C + 4 C-0).
the number of π bonds 2_0__ There are two π bonds in the C-O bonds.

6.4-15. CO32–

Exercise 6.10:

Lewis structure and bonding in the carbonate ion (CO32–):
  • ER = 4(8) = 32 electrons required with no sharing
  • VE = 4 from C + 3(6) from O + 2 from charge = 24 valence electrons
  • SP = 1/2(32 - 24) = 4 shared pairs
The lone pairs on the O atoms have been omitted, but each O obeys the octet rule.

Determine the following for CO32–.
C-O bond order 1.3333333_0.0333333__ The three C-O bonds are equivalent due to resonance, so the four shared pairs are shared equally in the three C-O regions. Thus, BO = 4/3 = 1.3.
    the hybridization of the carbon atom
  • sp There are three electron regions around the carbon, so its is sp2 hybridized.
  • sp2
  • sp3 There are three electron regions around the carbon, so its is sp2 hybridized.
the number of σ bonds 3_0__ There are three σ bonds (3 C-0).
the number of π bonds 1_0__ There is one π bond shared among all of the C-O regions.

6.4-16. Bonding from Structure

Exercise 6.11:

X-rays are scattered from the atoms in molecules, and the manner in which they are scattered can be used to determine the relative positions of the atoms. Indeed, the structures of many molecules have been determined with this technique. However, x-rays are not scattered by electrons, and H atoms are usually too small to be seen. Consequently, lone pairs and H atoms must be added by the chemist.Determine the number of hydrogen atoms that must be added to the central carbon atom and the hybridization of the central atom of the structures given in the activity area. Hint:
  • use bond lengths (see table in the Resources) to determine bond orders and bond angles to determine hybridizations, and
  • recall that C usually has no formal charge, which is the case when there are 4 bonds to it.
structure with bond angles
    What is the hybridization on the central carbon atom?
  • sp A 120° bond angle indicates sp2 hybridization, which means that the central carbon atom is involved in three sigma and one pi bond.
  • sp2
  • sp3 A 120° bond angle indicates sp2 hybridization, which means that the central carbon atom is involved in three sigma and one pi bond.
How many hydrogen atoms must be added to the central carbon atom?
  • A C-O bond length of 1.3 A is between the normal single (1.4 A) and double (1.2 A) bond lengths. So the two C-O bonds have bond orders of 1.5, i.e., there are two resonance structures.
  • A C-C bond length of 1.5 A indicates a single bond.
  • The central carbon atom has four bonds (3 σ + 1 π) and zero formal charge, so no hydrogen atoms are required.

structure with bond angles
    What is the hybridization on the central carbon atom?
  • sp A 109° bond angle indicates sp3 hybridization, which means that there are four sigma bonds to the central carbon.
  • sp2 A 109° bond angle indicates sp3 hybridization, which means that there are four sigma bonds to the central carbon.
  • sp3
How many hydrogen atoms must be added to the central carbon atom?
  • A C-O bond length of 1.4 A is consistent with a single bond.
  • A C-C bond length of 1.5 A also indicates a single bond.
  • The central carbon atom shows only two bonds (2 σ), but carbon atoms almost always have four. The two additional bonds are assumed to be C-H bonds.

6.5 Molecular Orbital Theory and Delocalized Bonds


In valence bond theory, orbitals on the same atom are combined to produce hybrid orbitals, which are then used to overlap an orbital on an adjacent atom to produce a bond that is localized between the two atoms. In molecular orbital theory, atomic orbitals on different atoms are mixed to produce bonds that can be localized between two atoms but are frequently delocalized over several. The rules presented in the previous section for mixing atomic orbitals that we used in the construction of hybrid orbitals will now be used to construct molecular orbitals. Valence bond theory allows us to make predictions about bonding and structure from relatively simple considerations, but hybridization and resonance had to be invoked to account for some structural features. MO theory is more powerful in its predictive power, but it is somewhat more difficult to use. Thus, chemists use both theories, choosing the one that is easier to use while still providing sufficient predictive power. In this section, we present a qualitative introduction to molecular orbital theory; one that will introduce some important terms, present a more satisfying picture of delocalization, and explain the electronic structure of molecules.



6.5-1. Bonding Versus Antibonding Orbitals

Bonding MO's increase the electron density between the nuclei, while antibonding MO's contain nodal planes perpendicular to the internuclear axis.

Combining Two s Orbitals

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In MO theory, atomic orbitals (AO's) are combined to form molecular orbitals (MO's). The number of MO's created is always equal to the number of AO's used to create them. Thus, combining two AO's produces two MO's, which differ in the way in which the AO's are combined.
combining two s orbitals
Figure 6.18: Combining Two s Orbitals

6.5-2. End-on Interactions of p Orbitals Produce σ and σ* MO's

Head-on combination of two p orbitals results in electron density on the bonding axis, so both combinations are classified as σ. The combination of orbitals of the same phase increases electron density on the bonding axis, so it is the bonding σ orbital. The combination of opposite phases produces a nodal plane perpendicular to the bonding axis, so it is the antibonding σ* orbital.
combining two p z orbitals produces two MO's, one sigma and one sigma star
Figure 6.19: Head-on Combination of Two p Orbitals

6.5-3. Side-on Interactions of p Orbitals Produce π and π* MO's

Side-on Combinations of Two p Orbitals

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The side-on combination of two p orbitals results in no electron density on the bonding axis, so both combinations are classified as π. The combination of orbitals of the same phase increases electron density between the bound atoms, so it is the π bonding orbital. The combination in which lobes of opposite phase interact produces a nodal plane perpendicular to the bonding axis, so it is an antibonding π* orbital.
side-on combinations of two p orbitals
Figure 6.20: Side-on Combinations of Two p Orbitals

6.5-4. Energy

Each molecular orbital is characterized by an energy level, and the electrons in a molecule fill the molecular energy levels in the same manner that they fill atomic orbitals. That is, the electrons fill the molecular energy levels at lowest energy while obeying both Hund's Rule and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. The energy changes resulting from the combinations of two s orbitals are shown in an MO diagram like the one shown in Figure 6.21. Three important characteristics of these diagrams are: Many of the properties of a molecule are dictated by the nature of and energy difference between the occupied MO that is highest in energy and the unoccupied MO that is lowest in energy. These two orbitals are referred to as the HOMO and LUMO.
Antibonding orbitals are at high energy.
Figure 6.21: An MO Energy Diagram
An MO diagram for the combination of two s orbitals of the same energy. Note that ΔE* > ΔE.
Electrons that occupy bonding orbitals lower the energy of the system and make the MO more bonding, while those occupying antibonding orbitals raise the energy and make the MO less bonding. Indeed the bond order (BO) is defined in terms of the difference between the number of bonding and antibonding electrons in the bond as follows.
BO =
(number of bonding electrons − number of antibonding electrons)

6.5-5. MO Diagrams for H2 and He2

As an example of the use of a diagram such as the one shown in Figure 6.21, we examine the differences predicted for the H2 and He2 molecules. H + H H2: Each H atom has one electron in the 1s orbital, so the two-atom system has two electrons to place in the MO diagram. Both electrons would enter the σ bonding orbital. Their energy in a sigma orbital of H2 is less than that of two electrons in two 1s orbitals of separated H atoms, so H2 is a stable molecule. The bond order of the H-H bond is
1/2(2 − 0) = 1,
a single bond.
Figure 6.22a: MO Diagram for H2
He + He He2: Each He atom has two electrons in its 1s orbital, so the two-atom system has four electrons. Two electrons would be placed in the σ orbital and two would be placed in the σ*. However, ΔE* > ΔE, so the energy of four electrons in He2 is greater than in two separated He atoms. The bond order of the He-He bond would be
1/2(2 − 2) = 0,
no bond. Consequently, He2 does not form.
mo diagram for H2
Figure 6.22b: MO Diagram He2

6.5-6. Relative Orbital Energies in O2

Consider the interaction of the valence orbitals of two oxygen atoms to form an oxygen molecule. The energy level diagram for the MO's in O2 is shown in Figure 6.23.
energy level diagram for oxygen molecule
Figure 6.23

6.5-7. Predictions for O2

Each oxygen atom has six valence electrons, so a total of 12 electrons must be placed into the energy diagram. The electrons are placed in the same manner as they are into the orbitals of an atom: lowest energy orbitals are occupied first and the Pauli Exclusion Principle and Hund's Rule are obeyed. The result of placing 12 electrons in the diagram is shown in Figure 6.24. Note that the π* MO constructed from the 2p orbitals is the HOMO, while the σ* MO constructed from the 2p is the LUMO. Two important predictions can be made based on this diagram:
electron MO occupancy in oxygen
Figure 6.24: Molecular Orbital Occupancy for an O2 Molecule

6.5-8. Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules

The two nuclei in heteronuclear diatomic molecules are nuclei of different elements, so the AO's that mix to form the bonding MO are at different energies. Whereas the two atoms of a homonuclear diatomic molecule like H2 and O2 make equal contributions to each MO in the molecule, the energy difference between the AO's in a heteronuclear diatomic molecule results in MO's that are not composed of equal amounts of the AO's. Instead, the AO's mix in the ratio that achieves the lowest energy possible for the bonding MO. The lowest energy MO is produced when the AO at lower energy contributes more to the MO than does the AO at higher energy. We now examine the bonding between an s orbital on atom X with the s orbitals on atoms A, B, and C, which are at different energies.
Figure 6.25a: Mixing AO's of Different Energy
The energy of sX (the s orbital on atom X) is less than that of sA by an amount ΔEXA. sX is the lower energy AO, so it contributes more to the bonding MO (σXA) than does sA, which is shown by the relative sizes of the spheres describing the MO. The larger sphere on X means that there is more electron density on atom X in the bond, so the XA bond is polar with atom X carrying the negative charge.
Figure 6.25b: Mixing AO's of Different Energy
sB is lower in energy than sX by an amount ΔEXB. sB is the lower energy orbital, so it contributes more to the bonding MO (σXB). The XB bond is therefore polar with atom B carrying the negative charge.
Figure 6.25c: Mixing AO's of Different Energy
sC is lower in energy than sX by an amountΔEXC. ΔEXC > ΔEXB, so sC contributes even more to the XC bond than did sB to the XB bond. The small sphere representing the contribution of sX to the σXC MO indicates that only a small amount of the electron density in the bond resides on atom X. The result is that the XC bond is more polar than the XB bond. Recall that electronegativity is a measure of how well an atom attracts the bonding electrons, but, as shown in the preceding figure, the electron density in a bond is greater around the atom with the lower energy orbital; i.e., the atom with the lower energy orbital attracts the electrons more, so it is the more electronegative atom. This is why we used the energy of the unfilled orbitals to predict relative electronegativities in Chapter 3! Using the relative energies of atoms X, A, B, and C in Figures 6.25a, 6.25b, and 6.25c, we conclude that atom C is the most electronegative atom and atom A is the least electronegative. The bond dipole of the AX bond points toward atom X because X is more electronegative than A, but it points toward atom C in the XC bond because atom C is more electronegative than atom X.

6.5-9. Heteronuclear Bonding MO Exercise

Exercise 6.12:

Indicate which representation (a, b, or c) best describes the interaction of p orbitals in each of the following O-X bonds. Assume the oxygen orbital is on the left in each case.
    an O-F bond
  • a
  • b F is more electronegative than O, so F (atom on right) contributes more to the bonding MO.
  • c F is more electronegative than O, so F (atom on right) contributes more to the bonding MO.
    an O-N bond
  • a O is more electronegative than N, so O (atom on left) contributes more to the bonding MO.
  • b O is more electronegative than N, so O (atom on left) contributes more to the bonding MO.
  • c
    an O-O bond
  • a The atoms have identical electronegativities, so they contribute equally to the bonding MO.
  • b
  • c The atoms have identical electronegativities, so they contribute equally to the bonding MO.

6.5-10. Rules for MO Construction of Simple Systems

MO's can be bonding, nonbonding, or antibonding.
So far we have discussed the MO's formed by interacting only two atoms, but all of the atoms in a molecule can be involved in a single MO. Computers are used to determine the MO's of complicated molecules, so we will limit our discussion to the MO's of simple systems, which can be constructed with the following rules. The bonding character of an MO spread over several atoms depends upon the relative number of bonding and antibonding interactions. In the following discussion, we use B = number of bonding interactions and A = number of antibonding interactions. A common way to draw MO's, and the one used in the following discussion, is to show only the relative phases of the AO's used to construct them. Thus, we will not be drawing the σ and π orbitals shown in the Combining Two s Orbitals video or the Side-on Combinations of Two p Orbitals video. Rather, we will represent them by the phases of the interacting orbitals.

6.5-11. Constructing the MO's for a Three-Atom System

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There are three atomic orbitals, so there must be three MO's. All of the atomic orbitals must be of the same phase in the lowest energy orbital, which produces an MO with two bonding interactions and no anti-bonding interactions. This orbital is a bonding orbital. The next highest orbital must contain one nodal plane placed in the center. This orbital contains no bonding or antibonding interactions between adjacent atoms, so it is nonbonding. The highest energy orbital requires one more nodal plane. The two nodal planes must be placed symmetrically. The resulting MO contains no bonding and two antibonding interactions, so it is an antibonding orbital. If we assume the system contains four electrons and place them the two lowest energy orbitals, then the nonbonding orbital is the HOMO and the antibonding orbital is the LUMO.
Figure 6.26

6.5-12. SO2

The structural features that could only be explained by invoking resonance in Chapter 5 are readily understood in terms of delocalized MO's. Consider the case of SO2 shown in Figure 6.27. Although the bond angles are 120° not 180°, the atomic orbitals are p orbitals not s orbitals, and the interactions are pi not sigma, the relative phases of the AO's are the same for SO2 as for the three-atom system discussed above. Two resonance structures (shown at the top of the figure) were used to account for the fact that the two S-O bonds are of equal length. The two structures differ in the position of the π bond, which is shared between the two bonds, and the location of one of the lone pairs, which appears to be shared by the oxygen atoms. The σ bonds and the lone pairs except the one that appears in different locations in the Lewis structure lie in the molecular plane and will be ignored in the following MO description discussion, which centers on the π system. Note that the term resonance is not required in the MO description. The π system contains four electrons: the two in the π bond and two in the lone pair that appears to move in the two resonance forms. The AO's used to construct the π MO's are p orbitals that are perpendicular to the molecular plane. Placing four electrons into the system fills the π and n (nonbonding) orbitals. Note that there is one bonding orbital (the π bond) and one lone pair (nonbonding orbital) as shown in the Lewis structures. However, the π bond is delocalized over all three atoms, with no difference between the two S-O bonding regions, and the lone pair is delocalized over both oxygen atoms. Thus, all of the features that caused us to invoke resonance with the earlier bonding theory are explained with molecular orbital theory.
pi molecular orbitals in sulfur dioxide
Figure 6.27: π MO's for Sulfur Dioxide
(a) Viewing the p orbitals from the side; (b) Viewing the p orbitals from above so that only the top of the p orbitals can be seen; (c) Energy diagram showing two occupied MO's and identifying the HOMO and LUMO.

6.5-13. Orbital Types in a Delocalized Four-Atom System - Exercise

Exercise 6.13:

Use the MO diagram in the figure to determine the number of bonding interactions, the number of antibonding and orbital type for each of the four MO's of a delocalized four-atom system.
Orbital Number 4:
bonding interactions 0_0__ There are no pairs of adjacent orbitals with the same phase, so there are no bonding interactons.

antibonding interactions 3_0__ There are three changes in phase, so there are three antibonding interactions.
    orbital type:
  • bonding There are more antibonding interactions than bonding interactions, so this is an antibonding orbital.
  • antibonding
  • nonbonding There are more antibonding interactions than bonding interactions, so this is an antibonding orbital.
Orbital Number 3:
bonding interactions 1_0__ here is one pair of adjacent orbitals with the same phase, so there is one bonding interacton.

antibonding interactions 2_0__ There are two changes in phase, so there are two antibonding interactions.
    orbital type:
  • bonding There are more antibonding interactions than bonding interactions, so this is an antibonding orbital.
  • antibonding
  • nonbonding There are more antibonding interactions than bonding interactions, so this is an antibonding orbital.
Orbital Number 2:
bonding interactions 2_0__ There are two pairs of adjacent orbitals with the same phase, so there are two bonding interactons.

antibonding interactions 1_0__ There is one one phase change between adjacent atoms, so there is one antibonding interaction.
    orbital type:
  • bonding
  • antibonding There are more bonding interactions than antibonding interactions, so this is a bonding orbital.
  • nonbonding There are more bonding interactions than antibonding interactions, so this is a bonding orbital.
Orbital Number 1:
bonding interactions 3_0__ There are three pairs of adjacent orbitals with the same phase, so there are three bonding interactons.

antibonding interactions 0_0__ There are no changes in phase, so there are no antibonding interactions.
    orbital type:
  • bonding
  • antibonding There are more bonding interactions than antibonding interactions, so this is a bonding orbital.
  • nonbonding There are more bonding interactions than antibonding interactions, so this is a bonding orbital.
Assume a four-electron system to identify the orbital number of the HOMO and LUMO.
HOMO 2_0__ The four electrons would enter as two pairs in the lowest two orbitals, so orbital 2 is the occupied orbital that is highest in energy, i.e., the HOMO.

LUMO 3_0__ The four electrons would enter as two pairs in the lowest two orbitals, so orbital 3 is the unoccupied orbital that is lowest in energy, i.e., the LUMO.

6.5-14. Four-atom Example: Butadiene

The Lewis structure of butadiene (Figure 6.28) shows two C=C double bonds and one C-C single bond, so we would expect two bond lengths of about 130 pm and one of about 150 pm. Experimentally, we find that there are two bonds of 134 pm and one of 135 pm, the approximate length of a C=C double bond. We now use an MO treatment of the π system to explain this observation. The relative phases of the p orbitals are the same as the s orbitals in the above exercise. Figure 6.28a views the molecule from the top so that only the top lobe of each orbital is shown, while Figure 6.28b shows the side-on view. There is one electron in each p orbital, so there are a total of four electrons in the π system, which are distributed into MO's as shown. Note that both pairs of electrons reside in π bonding orbitals, which is consistent with the two double bonds predicted by the Lewis structure. However, the π orbitals are delocalized over all four carbon atoms not localized between two atoms as shown in the Lewis structure, which explains why the bond lengths are nearly the same.
butadiene MOs
Figure 6.28: MO's for Butadiene
(a) The circles represent the relative phases of the p orbitals (the orbitals viewed from the top). (b) Each p orbital represented by the traditional 'figure 8'.

6.5-15. Benzene

As our last example, we examine the delocalized π system in benzene (C6H6) shown in Figure 6.29. Recall that the double bonds in benzene are sometimes represented by a circle in Figure 6.8 due to resonance in the molecule. Although the construction of the MO's is beyond the scope of this text, an examination of them demonstrates the rules for construction and provides a better understanding of the bonding in this very important molecule. There are six carbon atoms and six p orbitals, so there are six π MO's. The lowest energy MO has no nodal planes and is a bonding orbital delocalized over all six atoms. The highest energy orbital has a nodal plane between each pair of atoms, but, due to the symmetry of benzene, this requires only three nodal planes. Thus, the four remaining MO's must contain either one or two nodal planes. In fact, two MO's have one nodal plane, and two MO's have two nodal planes. The π system has six electrons, so only the three bonding MO's are occupied, which gives rise to the three double bonds in the Lewis structure. The three MO's are delocalized over all six carbon atoms, so, consistent with representing the double bonds with a circle, the π electron density is spread over the entire molecule with no localized double bonds.
Figure 6.29: MO's for the π System of Benzene

6.5-16. Summary

Molecular orbital theory is a very powerful tool, and we will refer to the concepts and terms introduced here in subsequent chapters. However, the simple predications about geometry and bonding that we made in the previous chapter and most of this chapter are correct, and they are much easier to make using the bonding theory presented earlier. Thus, chemists often use a combination of the two theories when discussing molecular structure and bonding.

6.6 Exercises and Solutions

Select the links to view either the end-of-chapter exercises or the solutions to the odd exercises.