Unsupported Assignment Settings

When you save your assignment in the new assignment editor, some formerly supported settings are removed from your assignment. These settings were infrequently used and in some cases could result in negative learning experiences for students.

Note To keep these settings enabled in an existing assignment, do not edit or save the assignment.

Assignment settings that are no longer supported include:

Partial credit for compatible units
Students could receive partial credit for numerically incorrect answers that specified dimensionally compatible units.
Set numerical tolerance by units
Previously, you could override numerical tolerance either by percentage or units. Now, numerical tolerance overrides are set only as a percentage.
Count responses with syntax errors as submissions
Student answers that cannot not be graded — for example, containing incorrect grouping operators, missing operands, or multiple consecutive operators — can no longer be made to count as submissions when submitting by question parts.

Responses with syntax errors are always counted as submissions when submitting by assignment or question is required.

Point adjustments by question part
Point adjustments — formerly called conditional points — can no longer be set for specific question parts. They can still be set for individual questions or the assignment.
Assign a penalty for an incorrect answer
This predefined point adjustment formula is no longer supported, but can be implemented if needed with an advanced points adjustment formula.
Require students to show their work for the assignment
Previously, you could make Show My Work required for the assignment. Now, requiring students to show their work is set separately for each question.
Hide symbolic formatting help and significant figures icons
Previously, you could prevent the significant figures and symbolic formatting help icons from being displayed in student assignments. These are used to indicate that significant figures are checked and provide information about how to type the symbolic notation required for the question.

Other workflow changes you might notice in the new assignment editor:

  • You cannot edit your custom gradebook categories from the assignment editor.
  • You cannot add keyword metadata to your assignments.