Edit Questions

Edit questions you created or questions that have been shared with you.

Note Observe copyright restrictions for textbook questions and questions authored by others. Questions that are duplicated from copyrighted questions should be treated as copyrighted material.
  1. If needed, open your question in the Question Editor.
    If Do this
    You know the question ID or name
    1. In the search box at the top of the page, select Question.
    2. Type the question name or ID and press Enter.
    You own the question
    1. Click Questions > My Questions.
    2. Click the question name.
    You organize your questions in folders
    1. Click Assignments > Folders and navigate to the folder with the question.
    2. Click the question name.
    You want to use advanced search
    1. Click Questions > Search Questions.
    2. Enter the search criteria you want to use.

      To view only your questions, click me next to Author.

    3. Click Search.
    4. If you own the question, click Edit next to your question.

      If you do not own the question, click View, then click Open in Editor under Previewer Tools.

  2. If you do not own the question, duplicate the question to create a new version you can edit.

    Some questions cannot be duplicated.

    Some features of textbook questions are intentionally not available after duplication. These features are generally textbook-specific, and include eBook links and tutorials, simulations, and instructional materials associated with the textbook.

    1. Click Duplicate for the question you want to edit.
    2. In the Name field, enter a unique question name and click Save.
  3. Make your changes to the question.
  4. When the question works how you want, click Save.
To check for errors in your question, use it as the first question in a test assignment with multiple questions. This helps identify any errors in this question that could affect other questions in the assignment, such as broken tags.